Last updated: 16 October 2024
This Financial Services Guide has been authorised for distribution by the authorising licensee:
BG Wealth Management Pty Ltd
ABN 14 127 520 558
Australian Financial Services Licence No. 496348 (‘AFSL’)
801 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Locked Bag 50 Hawthorn VIC 3122
This Financial Services Guide (‘FSG’ or the ‘Guide’) provides you with important information about BG Wealth Management or ‘Licensee’), and its Authorised Representatives and Corporate Authorised Representative BG Private Clients, who will provide you with the financial services described in this Guide. It is designed to help you evaluate and make an informed decision about whether to use the financial services described in this Guide. We suggest you retain this Guide for your future reference. If any part of this Guide is not clear, please speak to your Financial Advisor.
This Guide consists of two parts. Part 1 of this Guide contains important information about:
Part 2 of this Guide is a Financial Advisor profile and includes information on the services we are authorised to provide on behalf of BG Wealth Management. Part 2 can be found at the very bottom of this page.
References in this Guide to ‘me’, ‘I’, ‘us’, ‘we’ and/or ‘our’ should be read as either BG Wealth Management,
your ‘Authorised Representatives’ or ‘Corporate Authorised Representative’ of BG Wealth Management,
as the context requires.
Lack of Independence Statement
BG Wealth Management and its representatives do not fall into the definition of ‘independent, unbiased or impartial’ due to the nature of our relationships with product providers, some of whom pay us commissions. However, we are not exclusively aligned with any one provider, which enables us to provide our clients with a wide range of product options relevant to their needs and to act in their best interests. |
Part 1 contains the following sections:
You must read each of these sections in conjunction with Part 2, which provides more detail to allow you to make an informed decision about whether to use the financial services we offer.
Together, these documents form the complete FSG which we, as Authorised Representatives, are required to provide.
What other information should you consider before deciding whether to proceed with our recommendations?
If you receive personal financial advice this will be documented in a Statement of Advice (SoA) or, in specific circumstances, a Record of Advice (RoA) that confirms the discussions you have had with us, the recommendations we are making, and the basis for those recommendations. These documents will also explain how those recommendations will work towards achieving your goals, any relevant fees received by us, and any associations with financial product providers.
When a financial product is recommended to you, you will be provided with a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or other disclosure document issued by the product provider. Among other things, the PDS contains information about the risks, benefits, features and fees payable in respect of the product. In combination, these documents will help you make an informed decision about whether to proceed with our recommendations.
Who provides the financial services described in this FSG?
The financial services described in this FSG are provided by us as Authorised Representatives of BG Wealth Management.
Part 2 of this Guide contains further details about your Financial Advisor, and our experience, qualifications and professional memberships.
Who is responsible for those financial services?
As the holder of an AFSL, BG Wealth Management is responsible for the financial services we provide to you. BG Wealth Management acts on its own behalf when these financial services are provided to you. In relation to the financial services offered in this FSG, BG Wealth Management, as the holder of an AFSL, does not act on behalf of any other person or licensee. BG Wealth Management is only responsible for the services offered in this FSG.
The law requires BG Wealth Management to have arrangements in place to compensate certain persons for loss or damage they suffer from certain breaches of the Corporations Act by BG Wealth Management and/or its Authorised Representatives. BG Wealth Management has internal compensation arrangements as well as professional indemnity insurance that satisfy these requirements.
What financial services do we offer?
BG Wealth Management is able to provide financial product advice and to deal in a wide range of products (unless otherwise stated in Part 2 of this Guide) including:
Some of the services you are able to access through BG Wealth Management include:
What products are available?
A range of financial products offered by many leading financial product providers are available for recommendation by us. Details of the available products we can recommend are contained in the Approved Product List (APL).
Internal and external experts provide financial product research, which is used to carefully select and maintain an extensive list of Approved Products for us to select from. We conduct due diligence on external research report providers that provide us with research.
We will only recommend a product to you after considering its appropriateness to your individual objectives, financial situation and needs. The recommendations will be made after conducting an investigation into the financial products and may require us to investigate and consider a financial product which is not on the APL.
How do we ensure that the advice we give you suits your needs and objectives?
To ensure we provide advice suitable for your needs and financial circumstances, we firstly need to understand your financial situation, personal financial objectives and needs.
We will follow a step-by-step process as outlined below:
We will also explain to you any significant risks of the financial products and strategies which we recommend to you. If you are unclear of the risks, do not hesitate to question us further.
In certain circumstances, we may not provide you with personal advice via a SoA or RoA, as outlined above. These circumstances may include:
What documents do you get if we provide further advice?
Where a further review is conducted and personal advice is provided, in some circumstances we are not required to provide you with a SoA for this further advice. Where this is the case, if you have not already been provided with a RoA, you may request a copy of the RoA from us by contacting us (on any of the contact details set out in Part 2 of this Guide) for a period of seven years from when the further advice was first provided to you.
You may specify how you would like to give us instructions, for example, by phone, fax or email using any of the contact details set out in Part 2 of this Guide. Alternatively, you may provide instructions to us in person. Where instructions are provided by telephone, these must be confirmed in writing.
Other services
We may provide services other than financial planning services. While we may provide these other services, you should understand that these other services are not provided under BG Wealth Management’s AFSL and BG Wealth Management does not train, support or supervise the provision of these other services and has no responsibility in relation to these services.
Examples of the services which BG Wealth Management is not responsible for include:
How are we paid for our services?
BG Wealth Management may receive:
Fees and commissions are payable (as directed by your Authorised Representative) to BG Wealth Management. We may receive up to 100% of any fees and commissions received.
Details of any fees, commissions or other benefits that we, BG Wealth Management or other associated persons are entitled to receive if you implement our recommendations in relation to a specific financial product, will be disclosed to you in your SoA or RoA when personal advice is given.
What type of fees, commissions, payments and other benefits do we receive for our services?
The types of fees, commissions and other benefits that may be received by us and BG Wealth Management include the following:
Service fees
We will discuss and agree our fee structure with you before we provide you with services. The types of fees you can be charged are listed below. You may be charged a combination, or part of, any of these fees.
Fees for advice
We may charge fees for the preparation, presentation and implementation of our advice. These fees will be based on your individual circumstances, the complexity involved in your situation and the time it takes to prepare personal financial advice for you. We will discuss these fees with you and gain your agreement to the fees before we provide you with advice.
Ongoing advice fees
We may charge a fee to provide ongoing portfolio reviews and/or for the provision of ongoing services.
This fee will be agreed with you and is either a set amount, or an amount based on the amount of funds under our advice, and/or the time involved in reviewing your portfolio and circumstances.
General advice fees
When providing General Advice or other services we may charge a fee. The total fee we may charge could be determined by a number of factors such as complexity and time taken. The below is charge out rates that may be used in determining what fee may be charged:
Referral fees
We do not accept referral fees.
Where we are referred a client from another profession/practice we may request information on that person (with their authorisation). This may include a request for personal details or a tax return from an external accounting firm. If applicable, we invite them to invoice us for their time, noting that we will pay them up to a maximum of 25% of our initial advice fee charged to the referred client.
Currently we have agreements with the following groups:
Requesting more information
You may request more detailed information on remuneration after receiving the FSG and before any financial service mentioned in the FSG is provided. To request this information please contact your Financial Advisor.
Payment methods
Our fees are either invoiced to you directly, or deducted from your investments, or a combination of these methods. Where it is debited from your investments it is normally referred to as the Advisor Service Fee.
In most instances you will be able to select the method of payment that suits you best. We will discuss and agree the method of payment with you before we provide you with services.
If you take out a financial product through us, BG Wealth Management may receive payments in the form of initial commissions and/or ongoing commissions from the financial product providers. These commissions are included in the fees, premiums and interest rate (in the case of margin loans) you pay for the product. This is not an additional cost to you. We may agree to rebate some or all of these. The commission payable for different classes of financial products include the following:
Investment products
For investment products, including superannuation and annuities, commissions are generally deducted from the funds you invest. Commissions on investment products may only be payable in certain circumstances where an arrangement exists as at 1 July 2013. Where you acquire an investment product before 1 July 2014, commissions may be payable where BG Wealth Management has an existing arrangement with the product issuer prior to 1 July 2013.
BG Wealth Management may receive between 0% and 1% of your initial investment as initial commissions from product providers whose products are recommended to you. BG Wealth Management may also receive ongoing commissions from the management fees of the product providers.
Ongoing commissions range between 0% and 1% p.a. of your investment balance. BG Wealth Management may pass up to 1% of these commissions to us.
We recommend you invest $10,000 in an investment product. The applicable initial commission is 1% and ongoing commissions are 1% p.a. BG Wealth Management may receive initial commission of $100 and may pass up to $100 of that to us. Assuming the investment amount stays the same, each year BG Wealth Management will receive ongoing commission of $100 and may pass up to $100 to us.
Life insurance products
Initial and ongoing commissions from insurance providers may be received by BG Wealth Management. These commissions are paid to BG Wealth Management by the company that issues the product that BG Wealth Management’s Advisors recommend to you, and they are included in what you pay for the product. The commissions vary and are based on the policy cost, which is the sum of the premiums you pay and may include other fees related to the product.
The initial commission is paid in the first year by the product issuer to BG Wealth Management. Ongoing commissions are payments paid by the product issuer to BG Wealth Management in the years after the first year. These commissions may be passed onto us depending what is applicable in the circumstances.
Where there is an increase in your cover, BG Wealth Management may receive initial and ongoing commissions on the increase to your policy cost. The ongoing commission on a client initiated increase is only paid from the period that starts on the first anniversary of the increase.
If the initial commission is equal to the ongoing commissions (as a percentage of your policy cost), BG Wealth Management may receive up to 100% (excl. GST) of your annual policy cost. If the initial commission is higher than the ongoing commissions, the maximum commission that BG Wealth Management may receive is set out in the following table:
Date a new product is issued | Initial commission (% of annual policy cost or increase excl. GST) | Ongoing commission p.a. (% of annual policy cost or increase excl. GST) |
From 1 January 2020* | 0 – 60% | 0 – 31.5% |
From 2 September 2020, you decide to increase your insurance cover again. The cost of this increased cover is $100. The initial commission payable to BG Wealth Management in respect of this increase will be up to $60 (60% excl. GST). The ongoing commission payable to BG Wealth Management in respect of this increase will be up to $31.50 p.a. (31.5% excl. GST), payable in respect of the period starting from the first anniversary of the date on which you increased your insurance cover (i.e. 2 September 2021). These commissions may be passed onto us.
You’ll find details of how your insurance policy cost is calculated in the relevant PDS that we provide you. Where personal advice is provided to you, you’ll also find details of the commission that BG Wealth Management and we are entitled to receive if you decide to purchase a life insurance product, in your SoA or RoA.
Margin lending products
If we organise or increase a margin loan for you, BG Wealth Management may receive payments in the form of ongoing commissions from the margin loan provider. Commissions on margin lending products may only be payable in certain circumstances where an arrangement exists as at 1 July 2013. Where you have entered into a margin lending product arrangement prior to 1 July 2014, commissions may be payable where BG Wealth Management had an existing arrangement with the margin loan provider prior to 1 July 2013. These commissions range between 0% and 0.5% p.a. of your loan balance. BG Wealth Management may pass up to 100% of these commissions to us.
We recommend you borrow $10,000 through a margin loan. The applicable ongoing commission is 0.5% p.a. Assuming the loan balance stays the same, each year BG Wealth Management will receive ongoing commission of $50 and may pass up to $50 to us.
Other benefits
From time to time we may accept alternative forms of remuneration from product providers or other parties, such as hospitality or support connected with our professional development (e.g. training or sponsorship to attend conferences). We maintain a register detailing any benefit we receive which is valued at between $0 and $300 and other benefits that relate to information technology software or support provided by a product issuer or that relate to educational and training purposes.
A copy of the register is available on request for a small charge.
Will any other parties benefit from the financial services offered in this FSG?
We do pay any benefits to any other parties that are not covered under this FSG.
What fees do we pay to someone who refers you to us?
We do not pay or provide any benefits to anyone that refers you to us.
Why we collect your personal information
We collect personal information, including sensitive information (e.g. health information), from you to provide you with services including financial advice.
We may also use your information to comply with legislative or regulatory requirements in any jurisdiction to prevent fraud, crime or other activity that may cause harm in relation to the particular products or services provided, and to help us run our business.
If you do not provide all the information we request, we may no longer be able to provide products or services, including financial advice, to you.
Collecting and disclosing your personal information
We are committed to protecting your privacy.
We have a Privacy Policy which sets out how we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information. It also sets out how you can access the information we hold about you, how to have it corrected and how to complain if you are not satisfied with how we have handled your personal information.
Our Privacy Policy is available at
Other important information
We are required or authorised to collect personal information from you by certain laws. Details of these laws are in our Privacy Policy.
Our Privacy Policy is available at It covers:
We will update our Privacy Policy from time to time.
Where you have provided information about another individual, you must make them aware of that fact and the contents of this privacy statement.
We will use your personal information to contact you or send you information about other products and services offered by us or our preferred suppliers. If you do not wish to receive marketing communications from us, please contact us.
‘We’, ‘our’, ‘us’ means BG Wealth Management and its Corporate Authorised Representatives, BG Private Clients and the Authorised Representatives of BG Wealth Management.
Both we and BG Wealth Management endeavour to provide you with quality financial advice. If you have a complaint or concern about the service provided to you, we encourage you to take the following steps:
1. Contact us first about your concern
2. If your concern is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact BG Wealth Management by:
Advice Complaints
BG Wealth Management Pty Ltd
Locked Bag 50
Hawthorn VIC 3122
3. If your concern is not resolved, or if you are not satisfied with the decision, you may contact the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. The AFCA independently and impartially resolves disputes between consumers, including some small businesses, and participating financial services providers. You may contact the AFCA by:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Phone: 1800 931 678
4. The Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) is Australia’s corporate, markets and financial services regulator. ASIC contributes to maintaining Australia’s economic reputation by ensuring that Australia’s financial markets are fair and transparent, and is supported by informed investors and consumers alike. ASIC seeks to protect consumers against misleading or deceptive and unconscionable conduct affecting all financial products and services. You may contact ASIC by:
Australian Securities & Investments
GPO Box 9827
Your Capital City;
PO Box 4000
Gippsland Mail Centre
Victoria 3841
Phone: 1300 300 630
5. Financial Advice Association Australia (FAAA), is the peak professional body for financial planning in Australia. The FAAA provides the leadership and professional framework that enables members to deliver quality financial advice to their clients. All FAAA members are bound by professional, technical and ethical standards as provided in the FAAA Code of Professional Practice. The FAAA has effective and appropriate policies and procedures in place to assist you with your complaint and ultimately help protect consumers and those planners doing the right thing. You may contact the FAAA by:
Phone: 1300 337 301
6. Where you have a complaint about your Privacy you may contact the office of the Australian Information Commissioner:
GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 1300 363 992
Before you send your concern to any of these respective bodies, please contact them first to understand the process for lodging your concern with them.
This Part 1 should be read in conjunction with the relevant Part 2 below:
Part 2 of each Advisor’s Financial Services Guide can be found here:
Adrian D’Mello | Financial Services Guide and Advisor Profile
Claudio Orrico | Financial Services Guide and Advisor Profile
Hanh On | Financial Services Guide and Advisor Profile
John Green | Financial Services Guide and Advisor Profile
Mazin Albassit | Financial Services Guide and Advisor Profile
Rocky Sorrenti | Financial Services Guide and Advisor Profile
Sali De Silva | Financial Services Guide and Advisor Profile
Tony Lim | Financial Services Guide and Advisor Profile
Jess Orrico ceased being an adviser with BG Private on 7 March 2025