Hospitality Sector Accounting Services

Running a venue, no matter how big or small, is hard. It’s a competitive landscape with high overheads and fluctuating revenue. Getting good advice from an experienced professional can help set your café, restaurant, bar, club, hotel or tourism business up to successfully navigate the challenges and make the most of the opportunities. Learn more here.

Who we help

Our knowledge of the hospitality and tourism sector allows us to provide a more impactful and tailored service.


  • Restaurant, café, pub and bar owners
  • Club owners and operators
  • Hotel chains and developers
  • Tour companies

We know the challenges you face

Over the years, we’ve worked with countless hospitality and tourism clients, so we know the kinds of challenges you face:

  • Seasonal fluctuations in revenue
  • Purchasing, receiving, and storing of goods
  • Covering rent and lease costs
  • Cashflow pressures
  • Tight margins
  • Increasing regulations
  • Financing issues
  • Questions around pricing strategy
  • Fluctuating costs and exchange rates
  • Managing staff including a lot of casual workers, and potentially high turnover
  • Not having someone reliable to turn to handle your bookkeeping, tax payments and other paperwork
  • Lack of time to focus on strategic planning

Our services


– Strategic planning for growth and scale
– Business structure advice, including set up
– Advice relating to franchise agreements, mergers and acquisitions, purchase/sale of a business, and the addition of new partners or investors


– Business performance benchmarking so you know where you stand
– Helping you understand your revenue and profit drivers
– Scenario modelling to ensure your price list is optimised
– Analysing areas where costs may be reduced
– Providing you access to the relevant data, insights and forecasting allowing you to track cashflow fluctuations more accurately
– Regular reporting on business performance incl. tracking and managing income, expenses, assets and liabilities

Tax, compliance & reporting

– Tax planning advice, including GST
– Tax efficiency guidance relating to the purchase of supplies, fixtures, equipment etc
– Managing your statutory reporting and ATO obligations
– Support with relevant laws, requirements and reports
– Bookkeeping and admin including BAS, payroll and tax returns
– Accounting software selection, migration and implementation


– Finance-related matters
– Supporting you with staffing matters (including analysing and optimising labour costs)
– Systems to track inventory that allow you to take control of your inventory ensuring you have what you need when you need it, don’t waste perishable items
– Our Property Advisory division can help you with site selection, leasing and more

We believe the best minds in our business are the best minds for your business

Positive outcomes you can expect

A more efficient and successful business with greater insight into what’s coming down the track

A reliable, responsive, and trusted sounding board you can turn to with questions and ideas

Access to our knowledge of industry best practices to give you an edge

Paying only what you must in tax and avoiding costly mistakes that can result in fines

Confidence that your business is following the relevant rules and regulations

Guidance in handling revenue peaks and troughs to ensure you maintain financial stability

Introductions to our other clients when we think you might benefit from connecting with each other

360-degree advice for you, your business and your family as we have Accounting, Tax Advisory, Financial Planning and SMSF Management services all under one roof

How can we help?

Discover how our team of experts who have worked with many clients in the hospitality industry can help you, too.

Get started
Julian Cheong Julian Cheong