Julian Cheong

Julian Cheong

Julian Cheong has been with BG Private since 2010 having started with the firm as a Graduate. He has worked his way up and is now an Associate Partner.

As one of the leaders of our Music and Entertainment division, Julian advises high-profile industry leaders, nationally known music festivals, and local and foreign artists.

Julian Cheong plays a pivotal role in growing our Music and Entertainment client base and is always looking for opportunities to help up-and-coming artists, promoters, and festival organisers with their accounting, tax, and business advisory needs.

He has many years of experience helping those across various other industries as well. Whether it’s navigating specific challenges around structuring, providing business management advice, or helping with management reporting tax withholding, Julian is seen as a trusted advisor.

As part of his role, he also prioritises helping clients select and implement the right accounting software. This helps in streamlining processes to maximise efficiency and effectiveness. To that end, he closely follows the latest developments and opportunities in the technology space.

Internally, Julian harnesses his passion for process improvement to facilitate improvements to the procedures and technology used in our Accounting & Business Advisory division.

When not working, Julian likes to spend his time with family, going for walks, and listening to – and dancing to – music (especially Disney) with his two girls. He also enjoys cooking and his signature dish is lasagne.

Contact Julian Cheong on +61 3 9810 0700 or