We've rebranded!

  • 9 April 2024
  • by BG Private
  • 5-minute read

We’re excited to reveal that Banks Group and BG Private Clients have rebranded and changed our name to BG Private. The change reflects our ambitions for the future while honouring our past. There is no change to our Partners, people, phone number or address.

Watch our rebrand launch video

Why we changed our name

For many years now we have been known as Banks Group (the accounting and audit side of the business) and BG Private Clients (our financial planning sister company). We decided to rename to BG Private for three reasons. One: It unifies all divisions under the one name. Two: It’s a change that still retains a link to our heritage by keeping the initials ‘BG’. Three: It highlights the fact that our clients are predominantly private individuals and private businesses.

Why we rebranded

Essentially, we needed a facelift. Our firm has changed a lot over the past 45 years and our last rebrand was in the late 1990s. We now have 100+ staff, 8 service lines and 7000+ clients. It was time for our brand to reflect this evolution with a contemporary new look that meets the expectations of the next generation of clients and staff coming through. The name change made this the perfect time to change our look more holistically.

Meet our new logo

The BG monogram visually represents our partnership with our clients. The folds in the lines are symbolic of the twists and turns of each client’s financial journey. And the three lines represent our collaboration with both clients and our other service lines so that we can provide holistic and seamless advice.

A stylised infinity symbol found where the B and the G meet symbolises the long-term nature of our close client relationships as well as the infinite ways in which we support them.

Our new tagline

Our ambition to provide long-term advice and support to our clients is also reflected in our new tagline:

It symbolises our promise to stand alongside our clients throughout the duration of their individual or business journey; meeting their needs of today but with an eye on the long term.

Our new colours

Our new colours pay homage to the yellow-green in our old brand, but the new colour gradient coupled with light grey and charcoal move us to a more modern colour palette. Our heritage navy blue colour is retained for certain uses as well.

We are still the people you know and trust

Although our look has changed, our people have not. We continue to be the same people you know and trust, and we continue to stand alongside you. For Today, Tomorrow & Beyond.

What’s changing:

  • Our name, logo and branding
  • Our email addresses will now end in @bgprivate.com.au (e.g. ) but we will continue to receive the emails you send to our old email addresses. Please save our new email in your contacts.
  • Our website is now: www.bgprivate.com.au

What’s staying the same:

  • Your Advisor and any other points of contact
  • The firm’s Partners, ownership structure and staff
  • Our phone number
  • Our physical and postal addresses
  • Our ABN, payment details and other company details


No. Our Partners, ownership structure, staff, services and location remain the same. You will continue to work with the same advisors and points of contact you always have. The phone number and postal addresses you use all remain the same.

Our email addresses will now end in @bgprivate.com.au (e.g. ) but we will continue to receive the emails you send to our old email addresses. Please save our new email in your contacts and start to use our new email address in place of the old.

Yes, the Melbourne office is still located at 801 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn and the Sydney office is still located at Level 14 / 109 Pitt Street Sydney. The signage out the front will change, so look out for that the next time you visit us!

You may start to notice that we now use ‘Accounting & Business Advisory’ instead of ‘Business Services’. We made this decision to clarify the services of that division and make it more relevant to our clients who are individuals, not businesses. It encompasses our Bookkeeping and Management Accounting teams.

It will take us some time to make the switch, so please be patient with us. We aim to have completely retired the old brand by mid-2024. If you notice the old brand after this time, please let us know as it may have slipped through the cracks.
